How To Write A Blog To Grow Your Business in 2024.


Digital Marketing Tips

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6 minutes

How does writing blogs benefit me personally?

By now you must have noticed that businesses in almost every industry write blogs on a regular basis. One of the most common topics I get asked about are blogs; how to write them, why are they important for businesses and are blogs a beneficial investment of my time and energy. The simple answer is YES! Here’s why…

When you start writing blogs about your industry, profession, services and products, you develop a sense of professional excitement. Because more often than not, you start a business to do what you love to do. So researching and writing about the several aspects involved helps you solidify your beliefs and boosts your confidence in what you think works or doesn’t.

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“Writing blogs to grow your business is one of the simplest ways to attract your ideal customer, grow your email database and build your brand community.”

Amit Anil

Why should I write blogs about my industry or profession?

When you publish your take on your industry or the role you play in it, you are positioning yourself as an expert who is confident in their beliefs and value offering. Your published blog aka article will showcase you as an author, building brand authority for your business and brand credibility for you as an expert in your industry. You have years of experience and learning which gives you a unique insight into what works for your customers and why your product or service offering caters to their needs.

The knowledge you’ve accumulated over the years turns into an asset when you put it on paper, so to speak. Of course, you don’t give away your secrets but you can educate the readers and encourage them to take action and subscribe to your database or contact you about potentially working together.

How can blogs help me grow my business?

Without getting too technical, consistently writing blogs helps increase organic traffic to your website. Here’s an easy way to think about it; when people are in search of information, products and services, one of the first things they do is jump on Google to find answers. Google shows links to relevant websites and blogs that it thinks will best address what you’ve searched for.

Now if your website has a maximum of 10 pages, you only have ten chances of showing up on Google’s results. Writing engaging blogs about your industry, profession, products and services gives you more chances of showing up on Google’s search. If people find your blog valuable and helpful, they instantly get introduced to your business on a positive note. From there the reader can subscribe to your blog, educate themselves on your products/ services or contact you to discuss potential business. Boom!

Ok so I’ve heavily simplified how the concept works and there’s definitely a lot more to it, which you will understand once you get started. Writing blogs and articles is a popular inbound marketing strategy that snowballs over time offering long-term growth. To get you started, I’ve listed a simple yet effecting approach of how to write a blog for your business.

Here’s a top-line rundown of how to write an engaging blog/article:

  • Step One: Identify who you are targeting?

    i.e. who should be reading your article?
    – Identify your ideal customer; their desires, concerns, frustrations etc.

  • Step Two: Brainstorm popular/common topics in your professional scope.

    – Think about what people are searching for on Google.
    – What value/information can you provide that will interest your reader.

  • Step Three: Get creative with your article’s title/headline.

     – Try to capture what your article is about in a few words to capture the attention of your ideal customer.
    – Briefly state the outcome of reading your article or ask a question to entice readers.

  • Step Four: Write down a few bullet points that capture the story/flow of the article.

    – You can add quotes from industry leaders along with relevant visuals to boost engagement.

  • Step Five: Identify a conversational tone and voice for your writing style.

    – The voice and tone need to reflect your brand and it’s personality.

  • Step Six: Expand on your bullet points and provide value-rich information.

    – You can provide a top-line understanding of the topic and the benefits involved.

  • Step Seven: Finish with an inspirational conclusion.

    – The final paragraph should inspire readers to act on the advice and information you’ve provided.

  • Final Step: The Call-to-action (CTA).

    Direct the readers to contact you for an exploration call OR invite them to subscribe to your email list.

Helpful Tips:

  • Aim to write about 300 words / around 4 paragraphs / 1-2 min read.
  • Avoid sounding like a 90s salesperson! Focus on offering valuable and relevant info.
  • Write about what you know. Start by covering topics you feel you’re an expert in.
  • Write conversationally; talk to your reader and not AT your reader.
  • Avoid copy-pasting from other articles. Google will detect it as duplicate content and penalise your website (prevent it from showing up on Google results).
  • Download Grammarly, a free tool to help you write like a pro.

Most importantly, get started! Everything becomes clear and easier once you enter the world of writing blogs and articles. Thank you, come again! 😄

“There’s a lot of information out there for free, so you’ve got to figure out what makes your information different.”

Matt Wolfe